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All applications for well transfer will be published here and updated by the Office of Oil and Gas on a weekly basis (typically Tuesdays). Any interested party may file written comments pertaining to any pending well transfer with the Office within fifteen days from the circular date. Comments may be sent electronically to depoogep@wv.gov. Please include the word "Transfer" in the subject line of the email.
The Weekly Report will now be presented in a new format. The WVDEP's document management system, ApplicationXtender, will be used to retrieve documents. A list of the last week's permit activitiy will be posted in an Excel file, and in a PDF file, and provided in the links below.
Click to open the folder, then read and follow the instructions. Completion reports and plugging affidavits will continue to be posted below for the time being.
Updated March 17, 2025
Updated February 15, 2021
Documents, including newly issued drilling permits, are available on the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s document management system, “ApplicationXtender.” The ApplicationXtender software, or “AppX” uses a variety of indexing parameters to organize permits and documents and provides access to them.
URL: https://documents.dep.wv.gov/ User Name: DEP Password: DEP
Browse our weekly report archive by year and month. Expand each section by clicking the corresponding year or month to view the reports. Sections can be closed the same way. The current report week will be automatically expanded for your convenience.