Report a Complaint

The sections below provide information on how to report complaints to WVDEP.

The Division of Air Quality handles citizen complaints involving dust, fallout, odor problems and open burning. In many instances, the ability to satisfactorily handle a citizen's concern regarding an air pollution issue is based upon immediate notification that a problem is being experienced and the ability to rapidly respond to the complaint. Quite often, notification is too late to allow an inspector to observe and document the alleged violation or our inspectors are not immediately available because they are all ready involved in another compliance- and/or enforcement-related issue.

Leslie Cooper
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Division of Air Quality
601 57th St SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x41262

This page is for citizen complaints involving Dam Safety, Underground Storage Tanks, Hazardous Waste, or Water and Waste.

Citizens can use this form to notify DEP officials of local dump sites. Complaints can be made anonymously or you can include your name and address or telephone number so that an investigator can contact you if needed. By reporting open dumps, individuals not only help to beautify our state, but also help to put a stop to the degradation of our land. It is not a requirement to fill out all fields. However, the more complete the information the greater the chance that the dump will be cleaned up and violators prosecuted.

Abandoned Mine Land emergencies are hazards that occur suddenly and present an immediate threat to the public health, safety or general welfare. They are caused by abandoned underground or surface coal mines and need immediate attention.