Eligibility Requirements
To qualify, the organization must have a current 501(c)3 designation. The funding allotment is $22,500 per year. The term is based on the state fiscal year which begins July 1st.
The position can be part-time or full-time and there is no match requirement. Through an application process, WVDEP-WIB will select the organization who will receive this funding opportunity.
The organization must have an approved watershed based plan (WBP) or protection plan, or is currently developing said plan. If the plan(s) is under development it must be completed and approved
within the first year of the funding cycle. The position must support §319 watershed project implementation, sustainability and other activities and efforts tied to nonpoint source pollution
abatement. An annual workplan and budget is required (Note: The first year is due with the application).
Personnel management (i.e. hiring, firing, salary, taxes etc.) is the responsibility of the watershed organization. Financial and procurement documents must be available for review and meet requirements
of §319 Program grants. This is a reimbursable opportunity only. Funds will not be distributed in advance. Reporting requirements and financial accountability must be met in order for funding to continue.
Reporting Requirements
The purpose of any grant report is to describe the activities undertaken and account for the use of grant funds. Reports must be complete so that the grantee, as well as the funder, is able to evaluate progress and performance.
Monthly progress reports are required, but you may choose to submit them more frequently.
Financial Accountability
Appropriate financial accounting is required when submitting request for funds (reimbursement requests). Payments will be provided only when the form is completed correctly and the expenses are fully justified.
Watershed Pilot Program Reports
The Watershed Pilot Program (WPP) was conceptualized in late 2014 and its components came together in 2015. The Watershed Improvement Branch retired Assistant Director, Teresa Koon secured the funding and the WPPs first awards were issued in state fiscal year 2015.
The WPP has been successful, and the watershed groups who are involved now and have been involved in the past, completed significant projects, raised awareness and lifted the organization to a more prominent position in their communities.
Below are the WPP final reports. These are typically summary reports that provide highlights of activities occurring throughout the funding periods. For specific details contact the organization or the §319 Program Coordinator.
Note: Each final report includes a section for the watershed group that was funded during that state fiscal year.
Additional Resources