Notification of One-Time Event (Short Term/Temporary Generator)
Per 8700-12 EPA Application 10.A.2. Short-Term Generators are described as follows:
If the site is normally not a generator of hazardous waste, but is currently generating hazardous waste only as the result of a one-time,
non-recurring, temporary event that is not related to normal production processes. In other words, short-term generators produce hazardous waste
from a particular activity for a limited time and then cease conducting activity. Short-term generators are not considered episodic generators because
episodic generators regularly generate hazardous waste as part of their operations but elevate to a higher generator category as a result of a planned
or unplanned event.
Examples of short-term generators include:
- One-time highway bridge generation
- Underground storage tank removals
- Generation of off-specification or out-of-date checmials at a site that normally doesn't generate hazardous waste
- Remediation or spill clean-up at sites with no previous EPA ID number
- Site or production process decommissions by a new operator
If the short-term generation box is checked "Y", then an explanation of your short-term generation event MUST be listed in the comment section.
Upon completion of the one-time, non-recurring, temporary event, the facility must re-notify WVDEP of the completion in order to document that it is
no longer generating hazardous waste. A copy of the hazardous waste manifest(s) associated with waste removal shall be included with this subsequent notification.
A facility may be assessed an Annual Hazardous Waste Certification Fee, in accordance with WV 33CSR24, if subsequent notification and the completed/signed manifest(s)
is not received within 90 days of the initial notification