§319 Watershed Project Grants


This page is intended to guide users through the watershed proposal process.

Revised Guidance: In 2014, EPA revised its §319 program guidance, and in March 2017, contingency plans were required for all mining remediation construction projects. This is still the case today. The next §319 program guidance update will be completed by the summer of 2024. Note: All sub-grantees must be familiar with applicable guidance documents, as well as state and federal codes.

The Nonpoint Source (NPS) Program emphasizes management strategies and programs to address nonpoint pollution problems. These programs are balanced between two priorities. One is to implement the overall NPS Program. These efforts are funded through nonpoint funds. A second involves targeting specific watersheds to improve degraded water quality. This funding is referred to as watershed project funds. This is designated for specific projects intended to restore impaired watersheds to water quality standards. Note: Watershed protection projects are also an option to consider. All projects must follow EPA guidelines established for the use of §319 funds.

Your organization should work with your local Basin Coordinator to develop an initial project idea. LOIs can be submitted anytime - this is a good way to begin the conversation. The deadline for submitting the full workplan for a watershed project proposal is May 1st. Additional grant opportunities (AGOs) have no specific deadline. They depend on availability of funds and the announcements can be made at any time during the federal fiscal year.

Before watershed projects can be submitted, a watershed-based plan (WBP) must be developed and approved. The WBP identifies all the partnerships, projects, funding sources, outreach, follow-up monitoring, and timelines. WBPs can be based on a watershed strategy, a TMDL (or both), and more clearly defines the specific responsibilities of each stakeholder group in implementing efforts to restore a watershed to compliance with water quality standards. The ultimate goal of §319 WBPs and projects is to remove the impaired water body (however it was listed) from the 303(d) list. Once your plan and all of its projects are complete your organization must work closely with WVDEP's NPS Program, TMDL Program and WAB to evaluate the stream for delisting.

All grant recipients must have all the appropriate state and federal tax and financial identifications, and be able to verify that the appropriate accounting, procurement and purchasing procedures, as well as other business and organizational standards (e.g. board of director charter, budget documents, meeting minutes etc.) are in place. We use a financial history checklist to verify the capacity of an organization to manage federal grants.


See Also

  • Is The Stream Restored?

    When a watershed based plan (WBP) is complete or nearly so, it must be determined if the targeted stream(s) within the WBP are restored.

  • Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)

    A Total Maximum Daily Load is a plan of action used to clean up streams that are not meeting water quality standards.

  • Watershed Based Plans

    Development of a watershed based plan is the key step in the efforts to restore our rivers and streams from the impacts of nonpoint sources of pollution.

  • Water Quality Standards

    The Clean Water Act required states to develop water quality standards to protect all water uses and to designate uses for each waterway.

Contact Us

Timothy Craddock, NPS Program Coordinator
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25034
Phone: (304) 414-3868
Email: DEP319@wv.gov

Developing Your Watershed Grant Proposal

We highly recommend that you review all of the sections before submitting your watershed project proposal. Friends of the Cheat published a Watershed Project Implementation Guide, supported by AGO funding.This guide describes in detail, successful methods and procedures used to implement watershed projects. The focus is on AMD projects; however it is useful for all types of watershed project.

Project proposals seeking funding from §319 funding must follow specific guidelines in order to be eligible for such funding. The project must support the NPS Program in accomplishing its goals and objectives as stated in the Management Plan. The project must also meet all the requirements of the CWA and USEPA's guidelines for §319.

Organizations eligible to recieve funding include but are not limited to the following:

  • State agencies
  • Cities, counties and local governments
  • Public colleges and universities
  • Non-profit entities with 501(c)(3) status
  • Other non-governmental organizations

Proposal Development Resources

  • EPA Region 3 Guidelines for CWA §319(h) Workplans

    This document is to ensure that USEPA regional reviews of Clean Water Act §319(h) workplans are consistent among reviewers and with CWA §319(h), the 2014 Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines.

  • West Virginia NPS Management Plan

    ​​​Clean Water Act §319 guidelines require that all State NPS Programs revise their Nonpoint Program management plan every five-years.

Eligible Projects

  • The project contributes to the implementation of our Management Plan.

  • The project is located in a watershed with a TMDL or in a watershed listed on the 303(d) List with a TMDL scheduled.

  • The project addresses nonpoint source water quality impairment. The goal of the project must be to reduce the loading of one or more nonpoint pollutants.

  • BMP implementation, education, and load reductions are the major purposes of most NPS projects. Efforts to publicize the project and get local stakeholder involvement are required.

All watershed project proposals must be a part of a comprehensive watershed based plan (WBP). Requests for proposals are targeted toward priority watersheds where a WBP has been or is being developed.

Ineligible Projects

Any activities that control pollution from point source discharges, and are regulated by NPDES permits. These include sewage treatment plants, industrial facilities, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), active mines or mines abandoned after 1977, urban storm water activities required by a MS4 Phase I or II permit, and construction activities greater than one acre.

Project Criteria

  • Linked to the objectives of the NPS Program and corresponding WBP.

  • Includes appropriate and effective measures of success.

  • Recruits and facilitates partnerships, support and involvement from governmental entities, educational institutions, business and citizens groups.

  • Obtains funds and develops efforts to continue nonpoint management after §319 funding ends.

  • Project is cost effective. Funds are targeted to provide maximum control. Requested funds for administration and other non-implementation activities are kept to a minimum and cannot exceed 20%

  • Entity requesting §319 funds must support the project with a 40% match of the total project cost. In-kind support from the requesting entity is acceptable. The 40% match cannot come from other federally funded programs or funds.

  • Incorporates an effective public education and outreach component.

  • Project activities can be achieved within an identified and reasonable time period.

Cover Page

The cover page identifies the project, the “lead agency” and the budget summary. The project title, located near the top of the page, should be consistent throughout the entire proposal. There should be an identification that this proposal is for a CWA §319 project.

State the entity (lead agency) that is implementing the project and requesting the money and thier contact information (organization name, mailing address, phone and email). Include the date of submittal and a budget summary. The budget summary lists only the requested amount of §319 funds, the amount of match and the total project amount. Finally, include the 303(d) stream list code and TMDL sub-watershed (SWS) number.

Proposal Format Resources

Project Summary

The project summary is a brief description (abstract) of the project. The project summary should be presented in narrative form, not as a list. Be brief - each component should only contain a few sentences.

The summary should provide the following information:

  • Background (overview and problem descriptions)
  • Goals and objectives
  • Methods employed

Watershed Information and Location

All proposed projects must provide the following information:

  • Name of the specific sub-watershed and its HUC-code
  • TMDL sub-watershed (SWS) number and 303(d) list stream code

Submitting a map with the proposal is very helpful.


This section lays out the foundation for the entire proposal. From this section any reviewer should be able to learn the “where, what, when, why and who” of the entire project. This section establishes the need for the project, its justification and the credibility of the organization applying for the funds.

Background information on the watershed is important in order to set the nonpoint problem and the justification for the project. Examples of watershed background information can include but is not limited to: ecology, geology, land uses, water quality, TMDL status, economic and recreational uses and public support within the watershed.

The applying entity must describe their organization and provide contact information. Briefly describe the purpose and goals of the organization and any operational information that may be pertinent to the proposal. A very brief description of past accomplishments that may illustrate the competency of the organization to successfully implement the project should be included.

Background Information Resources

Nonpoint Problems and Sources

§319 incremental projects must be focused on solving some kind of nonpoint pollution problem. In order to set achievable goals and objectives anyone submitting a proposal must have prior knowledge of the problems and their causes. Clearly state what the problem is and how it affects water quality. Describe the sources or causes of the nonpoint pollution and how this project will address those aspects.

Type of Project

Nonpoint projects should address the focus areas of the program. Briefly describe the type of project being proposed and how it relates to the NPS focus areas. For example, is the project an agricultural project intended to protect riparian zones by fencing livestock out of the stream? Or, is it an acid mine drainage project using passive treatment systems to raise pH and remove metals? In other words, this part should not be a detailed description of the project, which will come later. This part is only intended to categorize the project and its area of focus.

Lead Agency and Contacts

The “lead agency” is defined as the entity that is coordinating or implementing the project. The NPS normally works through some kind of government agency however it is not necessary that the “lead agency” be a government agency. However any entity that receives program funds must be listed as a registered vendor with the State of West Virginia. Private businesses are not eligible for applying for §319 funds. Not for profit groups may apply but it helps facilitate the process if they coordinate through a local Conservation District or government.

Goals and Objectives

This important section outlines the anticipated load reductions, educational outputs and restoration benefits of the project. USEPA guidelines for §319 grants requires that each proposal estimate the nonpoint load reductions the project should achieve. When models are used to make these estimates the name and description of the model must be included. Any project that seeks to reduce nutrients, restore and protect streambanks to reduce sediment, or reduce the influence of pollution from metals or acidity must provide a numerical goal for the project. In some cases a project may have multiple load reductions and these should be accounted for. Load tracking tables are a useful tool and should be added to your project proposal and watershed plan when possible.

If applicable estimate the acres of wetlands restored or created, the feet of streambank restored or stabilized and the length of stream restored. All benefits expected from the project should be explained. Goals for the educational components of the project should be noted. This may include, but is not limited to, the number of workshops planned; the number of people trained or educated the number of public relations/education events planned, etc.


  • Pollutant Loads

    Information for calculating pollutant loads.

  • Watershed Based Plans

    Development of a watershed based plan is the key step in the efforts to restore our rivers and streams from the impacts of nonpoint sources of pollution.

  • Load Tracking

    Example document of load tracking tables showing BMPs by goal year and load reductions by pollutant.

Project Description

In this section the applicant defines the project site and the activities that will occur with the implementation of the project. The dimensions of the site, problem area or the area to be placed under management should be given.


  • Workplans

    A workplan is an outline of all tasks that need to be completed in order to finish an entire project.

Project Work Plan

Describe the activities, structures, BMPs and technologies employed to implement the project. This should provide enough detail to illustrate that a viable plan has been developed. Submitting drawings of a conceptual design is optional and may be helpful but do not submit blueprints unless requested. Requesting §319 funds for engineering and design is permitted.

Partner Involvement

Describe how the various partners involved in the project will contribute to its completion.

Education and Outreach

Describe any efforts to educate the public, public officials or industry by the project. If applicable and agreeable by the landowner a sign designating the project and the sponsors (i.e. NPS, US EPA and any partners) should be placed at the site during the project and if possible for a short period afterwards.

Workplan Modifications

If your plan is modified from it's original proposal at any time, you must submit a revised workplan for review and approval. This should be completed in a timely manner so that you can maintain your original schedule.

In this section the applicant must describe how the success of the project will be measured and reported. All entities receiving §319 funds must file semi-annual reports to the NPS Program. The measures must relate to the goals and objectives of the plan. For water quality projects monitoring for load reductions or water quality improvements may be required depending on the project. In addition to monitoring, data gaps may be fillied in using a vareity of models.

A summary of all monitoring results must be submitted to the NSP on a semi-annual bases on or before the appropriate reporting time. All water quality data must be entered into the WQX exchange.

Nonpoint projects must have reductions in pollutant loads but can also include:

  • Measurable improvement in the chemical, physical or biological integrity of the stream, river or other water body.
  • The number of developed plans for erosion and sediment control, nutrient management, pesticide management, etc.
  • Photographs or videos to document improvements
  • Number of BMPs installed.
  • The number of presentations, workshops, trained individuals, etc.
  • Improvements in fisheries.

Quality Assurance Project Plans

In accordance with 40 CFR 30.54 and 31.45, the recipient must develop and implement quality assurance and quality control procedures, specifications and documentation that are sufficient to produce data of adequate quality to meet project objectives. The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) should be prepared in accordance with EPA QA/R-5: Requirements of Quality Assurance Project Plans. QAPPs must be submitted to the WVDEP-WIB at least 90 days prior to the initiation of data collection or data compilation. It must be approved by WVDEP and the USEPA.

Impaired streams can be removed from the 303(d) list if the data shows water quality standards have been achieved. However, additional steps are needed to ensure de-listing.

Monitoring and QA Resources

  • WQX Exchange

    The Water Quality Exchange (WQX) is the mechanism for data partners to submit water monitoring data to EPA.

  • EPA QA/R-5

    Outlines requirements for QA plans for organizations that conduct environmental data operations for EPA through contracts, financial assistance agreements, and interagency agreements.

  • Pollutant Loads

    Information for calculating pollutant loads.

  • 40 CFR 30.54 and 40 CFR 31.45

    40 CFR 30.54 / 40 CFR 31.45 - Quality assurance

  • Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report

    The West Virginia Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Report (IR) fulfills the reporting requirements under the federal Clean Water Act, Section 303(d) to provide a list of impaired waters and Section 305(b) to provide an overall assessment of West Virginia's waters to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The milestone schedule provides an estimated timeline for the life of the project. The milestones include all project activities and interim steps needed to implement the project. The schedule should include milestones for the planning, development, construction, evaluation and reporting of the project’s implementation. The milestone dates are only projected dates based on an anticipated grant award. Those dates may change depending on the timing of the grant award.

Milestone Resources

Simplified milestone schedule for various phases of an AMD project
Presented here is a simplified milestone schedule for various phases of an AMD project


A detailed budget must be provided that shows a breakdown of anticipated expenses by category and by §319 funds and matching funds. The most effective format for showing the budget is a spreadsheet format with rows being the budget categories and columns showing the funding sources and totals. The maximum §319 reimbursement for a project is 60% of the total project cost. There must be a 40% non-federal match for each project. The match is calculated from the total project costs not from just the amount requested.

The budget must be included in the body of your proposal (workplan) and submitted as a seperate Excel file.

Budget Resources

Budget Categories

Budget categories are dependent on the project type and specifics but may include:

  • Personnel
    List the position titles (not names of individuals) and the amount of anticipated time that will be contributed to the project. No position included in this item can be a federally funded position. Personnel costs should be divided between administration and implementation or project management.

  • Supplies
    Identify supplies that are over $500 or are significant to the project such as monitoring supplies.

  • Equipment
    Identify any equipment purchased or leased whose value exceeds $500. Donated equipment may be used as match.

  • Contractual
    List all anticipated costs for services to be contracted. This would include construction costs even if construction will be done “in-house”.

  • Travel
    Any entry for travel must pertain to the project implementation within the state.

  • Operating Costs
    Include any indirect/overhead items such as building space, utility costs, incidental supplies, insurance etc.

  • Other
    Include any additional categories specific and necessary to the project.


Other information can be included in the proposal if it is necessary or contributes significantly to the proposal.

Some examples of other information are:

  • Literature Cited
    Studies or other references that are quoted or used to support statements of fact should be listed.

  • Obstacles
    Anticipated obstacles or difficulties could be mentioned in the background section; for example: local resistance to installing BMPs could be used to justify an educational component.

  • Other Efforts
    Providing a connection between a § 319 project and other state, private or federal projects intended to improve water quality from nonpoint source pollution in the watershed should be explained.

Non-Federal Match

Many federal, state and foundation grants require a match. Although the percent match required for each grant may vary (25, 40, 50 percent etc.), many of the rules governing what can be counted as a match are consistent. Since these rules tend to vary by funding source it is always a good idea to check with the funding source first.

Note: Match percentage is based on the total cost of the project.

There are two kinds of match, a cash match and in-kind match. A cash match is the direct project expense you or your non-federal partner provides as your contribution to the project – your cash expenditures for costs related to this specific project, such as project-related staff salaries, consultant’s fees, equipment rentals and travel costs. In-kind match are materials and services, secretarial services, space and utilities, equipment and technical assistance provided by your organization or donated by a non-federal third party specifically for this project.

Matching Resources

  • Match Guidance

    This guidance is an attempt to identify some of the basics for tracking matching funds or in-kind matches.

  • Match FAQs

    Frequently asked questions regarding matches.

Definition of Non-Federal Share

A non-federal share is the portion of the total costs of the program provided by the grantee agency in the form of in-kind donations or cash match received from third parties or contributed by the agency. In-kind contributions must be provided and cash expended during the project period along with Federal funds to satisfy the matching requirements.

Example Match Determination

  • Project funds requested [$125,000]
  • A federal 60% contribution is [$125,000 ÷ 0.6] = $208,333
  • A 40% match is [$208,333 x 0.4] = $83,333

Monitoring, Education, Planning, and Administration Costs

Monitoring, education, planning and administration costs should not exceed 20% of the total watershed project grant. These costs must be specific to the watershed project grant and not part of the overall operational expenses for the organization.

Administative Costs

The administrative costs may not exceed 15 percent of section 319 funding (CWA section 319(h)(12); 40 CFR 35.268). Administrative costs include salaries, overhead, or indirect costs for services provided and charged against general activities and programs carried out with the grant.

The costs of enforcement and regulatory activities, education, training, technical assistance, technology transfer and demonstration projects are not subject to the 10 percent limitation. This requirement does not apply to a PPG that includes section 319 funds (40 CFR 35.134(c)).

Applicable Laws and Regulations

Budget Amendments

This update was communicated by our Grants Management Office and is reflected in EPA policy and under general terms and conditions #24. Recipients are required to notify the project officer and grant specialist of cumulative transfers among budget categories that are less than 10% of the total grant budget.

Prior approval is not necessary for such re-budgets as long as the transfer involves previously approved costs; transfers that involve costs categories not previously approved by EPA, even if less than 10%, require prior approval by EPA’s Grants Management Officer. In order to document this, EPA-R3 requires that notification include both an email from the recipient outlining the re-budget and a revised 424A that shows the shift in funds between cost categories. EPA will then document this change in a formal amendment to the award.

Your report should tell the story of your progress and it should contain elements that allow for quantitative tracking. To begin with, all reports must include a summary narrative of a paragraph or less. This is necessary for the GRTS status update section. The details of each report must contain the following:

Reporting Resources

Minimum Requirements

At a minimum your report must include the following information:

  1. The report cover must contain the grant number, award year and contact information (Name, mailing address, phone number and Email of the Project Manager or other primary contacts).

  2. A narrative describing the progress that has occurred during the period (digital photos welcomed).

  3. Map(s) that shows the watershed, streams and the project site(s).

  4. Easy to read list of pollutant load reductions and BMPs that were implemented within the reporting period. Cumulative totals and % complete should also be provided. Note: The report should distinguish between the load reductions estimated in the original proposal and those that have occurred in the project thus far. It is also important to note any reductions over and above those proposed.

  5. A milestone schedule that illustrates the project's status (e.g. not implemented, on-schedule, behind schedule, complete, etc.) and its percent completed.

  6. A table with a description of expenditures for the period. Download the financial spreadsheet, fill it out, then submit it as a separate (xls or xlxs) file with your report.

Reporting Deadlines

§319 grants are timed to the federal fiscal year. The first semi-annual report documents progress and activities between October 1 - March 31 and is due May 1. The second semi-annual report documents progress and activities between April 1 - September 30 and is due November 1. If reports are not submitted in a timely manner current and future grant awards will be compromised for your organization and others. Reporting matters!

When the project is completed the Basin Coordinator, NPS Coordinator or designee conducts a final inspection with the local project manager. In addition to the inspection a final report is required. The final report is a summary of the projects life cycle. It is submitted to WVDEP and USEPA, and becomes part of the project record in GRTS.

In order to comply with the US Environmental Protection Agency's reporting requirements, all §319 grant recipients are required to report on project progress and activities on a semi-annual schedule timed to the federal fiscal year. The first semi-annual report documents progress and activities that occur beteween October 1 - March 31. It is due May 1st. The second semi-annual report covers progress and activities that occur between April 1 - September 30. It is due November 1st.
§319 grants are timed to a Federal fiscal year

Final Inspection

Final inspections must be completed for each project in which BMPs are implemented. The site visit is scheduled with the regional Basin Coordinator, NPS coordinator or a designee. The simple final inspection form (FIF) is completed on-site and emailed to the NPS Coordinator. Photos showing as-built conditions should also be included. Review the example included here for more information.

The inspection should occur prior to completing the final report. The FIF can be submitted seperately or with the final report.

Final Inspection Resources

Final Report

When the project is complete the Basin Coordinator, NPS Coordinator or designee performs a site visit and final inspection (FI) with the local project manager.Final inspections occur only on construction projects with BMP implementation. In addition to the inspection a final report is required.

The final report summarizes the project and its results (e.g. goals and objectives accomplished, pollutant load reductions, expenditures, challenges etc.). Final reports are also required for non-construction projects but may not include the same elements.

The final report is similar in style/format to USEPA Success Stories, and must contain the following information:

  1. Title/Cover page
  2. Brief overview/summary/abstract - that includes the location description
  3. Problem description (When was the stream listed)
  4. Project highlights (What was accomplished; how does that compare to the workplan)
  5. Results (BMP numbers/types, component dimension, area treated, load reductions, outreach goals etc.)
  6. Partners and funding (Table comparing orginnal budget to what was actually spent)

Final Report Resources

In the partners and fuding section include a table that compares the original budget to actual expenditures; and, make sure your required match contributions are listed.

The final report is due 30-days following the performance period (PP) end date. If possible, it should be submitted on/before the end of the PP. Final reports are submitted directly to USEPA and become part of the project record within GRTS. The report must reconcile all informaiton reported semi-annually.

All grantees must have a signed grant award with WVDEP that stipulates grantee requirements and payment schedules. Any non-governmental entity accepting a grant award must complete an IRS W-9 form and submit it to WVDEP. All grant recipients must have a FEIN and DUNS and be able to verify that the appropriate accounting, procurement and purchasing procedures, as well as other business and organizational standards (e.g. boad of director charter, budget documents, meeting minutes etc.) are in place.

The NPS Program recommends that projects be coordinated through a state or local agency to facilitate these requirements. Invoices for reim-bursement may be submitted anytime after the award and should include specifics on the money spent and what was accomplished.

§319 Timeline

§319 grants are timed on a Federal fiscal year. Project planning and workplan developments are focused on the next fiscal year while reporting activities are focused on the current or previous fiscal year. The WVNPS Progam will accept early project proposals ideas between October and March. We strongly encourage organizations to work with regional Basin Coordinator to develop technically and financially sound projects and workplans.

After our annual grant application is submitted, USEPA evaluates the workplans and often multiple revisions occur before funding is approved. It is important that your organization responds to any inquiries and request for information in a timely manner.

Application Schedule

The following timeline is general for any fiscal year.

  • May 1
    First draft proposals are due. Note: Proposals can be submitted sooner.

  • May through June
    WVDEP's comments returned to the applicant. During this period, the NPS Coordinator and BC's works with applicant to refine proposal for submittal.

  • June through July
    Finalize submissions

  • July 15 through August 15
    319 grant application is submitted to the USEPA.

  • November through February
    Responses and corrections completed based on comments on grant application. Everyone participates in this process.

  • May through June
    Grant awarded to the state. Note: These dates may vary considerably.

  • June through July
    Anticipated start date on projects submitted from previous year.

Reporting Schedule

  • May 1
    Semi-annual report is due. Report covers activities from October 1 through March 31.

  • November 1
    Semi-annual report is due. Report covers activities from April 1 through September 30. Note: Final reports must be submitted at least 30-days following the end of the grant performance period.

  • Mid February
    Annual report is submitted to the USEPA. The annual report provides summary information from the previous fiscal year.

§319 grant funds are reimbursable only. You must provide adequate justification for any request for funds reimbursement. Grant recipients must submit the request for funds (RFF) form along with supporting documentation in order to obtain reimbursement for allowable expenses. Supporting documentation includes a complete breakdown of expenses incurred (invoice) during the specified budget period. The budget period is not the same as the performance period.

Read all instructions and become familiar with allowable cost before submitting your RFF form. The RFF must be submitted within your grants performance period in order to be eligible for reimbursement. The funding period is not the same as the grant's performance period. Typically it is a much shorter window and occurs when transactions take place. Your organization should pay the bills prior to the end of the grant performance period.

All grant recipients must have a SAM/UEI, FEIN, DUNS, W-9 (Taxpayer ID number), Oasis vendor number, and be able to verify that the appropriate accounting, procurement and purchasing procedures, as well as other business and organizational standards (e.g. board of director charter, budget documents, meeting minutes etc.) are in place.


All reimbursements must have an itemized invoice attached that matches the amount on the reimbursement form. Backup documentation must support both documents. Examples of supporting documentation include: Anything that you usually send (e.g. QuickBook reports, budget analysis, consultant reports, match documentation, updated workplan, receipts, cancelled checks, signed award etc.).

Fund Request Resources

Submitting Your Request for Funds

Watershed Improvement Branch only accepts electronic requests for funds. The reimbursement request form and documentation is submitted via email. Complete the form, sign, date and attach the appropriate supporting documents. Email your completed reimbursement package to: DEP319@wv.gov

WVDEP's Fiscal Section has implemented some revised procedures, make sure you are aware of those. If not followed they will compromise your reimbursement forms. Reimbursement requests should be submitted each month and only one/per award. If you have multiple requests, consolidate those so that only one/award is submitted. The information must be clear and the documentation must substantiate the request. The WV State Auditor's Office (WVSAO) will not accept forms that have been marked through or do not have all the required information.

CWA §319 funding are reimbursable grants. All reimbursements must be submitted by completing the appropriate form and attaching justification of expenditures. Invoices should be submitted quarterly at a minimum but can be submitted monthly.

Your organization must maintain accurate records of all project related documents (e.g. receipts, bids, engineering drawings, communications, reports, Emails etc.). This information may be requested at any time by WVDEP and/or EPA for audit purposes.


It is very important that you maintain appropriate records and submit timely reports and reimbursement request. Failure to do so will result in non-compliance. Non-compliance penalties can be enforced, which will jeopardise current and future grant opportunities.

The penalties can be any or all of the following:

  • Withholding payment until the condition is in compliance
  • Disallowing costs
  • Suspending or terminating current award
  • Withholding future awards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Grants and Debarment has published RAIN-2024-G01. This Recipient/Application Information Notice (RAIN) informs recipients and applicants about EPA’s new requirement that all new applicants and recipients complete two online courses, the “EPA Grants Management Training for Applicants and Recipients” and the “How to Develop a Budget.” Effective March 4, 2024, this requirement must be completed by new applicants and recipients prior to receiving grant funds.

EPA defines new applicants and recipients as organizations that have never received an EPA grant, or if they last received an EPA grant before October 1, 2014. Completion of this requirement will ensure that all new grant applicants and recipients are prepared to apply for and manage grant funds in compliance with all federal grant regulations and EPA-specific grants policies.

For further information on both courses, applicability, accessing the courses, and utilizing available tools and resources, please reference: RAIN-2024-G01, New Recipient Training Requirement, published on March 4, 2024.

For every mining remediation project funded by §319, there must be a contingency plan (CP). CPs may cover more than one project. Where possible, WIB recommends completion of contingency plans at the watershed based plan (WBP) scale. WBP scale CPs will need to be updated so that all projects covered are accurately described and addressed

CPs must provide the following information:

  1. Name, location and description of the site and how to access to all included projects.

  2. Description of the risk of unplanned releases of mine drainage.

  3. On site control actions to be taken if an unplanned release occurs.

  4. Who will be notified if an unplanned release occurs.

Contingency plans will be both kept by and available from various sources:

  1. WVDEP-WIB will maintain an electronic copy of all CPs

  2. CPs will be on site during construction of projects.

  3. A county emergency services agency, selected by the watershed association after discussions with emergency medical services, police, fire departments, local emergency preparedness departments, and any other appropriate agency, will also hold a copy of the plan, which will be updated during construction of each additional project.

Contingency plans are required for mining projects funded with earlier §319 grants, which are planned to be constructed in 2017. The requirement must be met for all mining construction projects funded in future years.

See Also

On November 15, 2021, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. signed into law the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), which includes the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act. BABA strengthens Made in America laws and will bolster America’s industrial base, protect national security, and support high-paying jobs. BABA requires the head of each covered Federal agency shall ensure that none of the funds made available for a Federal financial assistance program for infrastructure may be obligated for a project unless all of the iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project are produced in the United States.
