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Basin Coordinators (BCs) help local watershed restoration and protection efforts become reality. These experts are responsible for organizing local efforts to implement water quality improvement projects. To help get improvements on the ground, BCs have roles in:
Fostering and supporting volunteer watershed associations and other organizations.
Educating citizens on nonpoint pollution issues.
Identifying local stakeholders and partners.
Assisting with the development of watershed based plans.
Facilitating project teams in order to implement water quality improvement projects.
The BCs are located in Charleston, Fayetteville, Romney and Fairmont.
Vacant 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV 25304
Martin Christ, Northern Watershed Basin Coordinator 1000 Technology Drive, Suite 3220 Fairmont, WV 26554 Phone: (304) 926-0499 x30205 Email: Martin.J.Christ@wv.gov
Vacant 22288 Northwestern Pike Romney, WV 26757
Bella Hubbard, Southern Basin Coordinator 1159 Nick Rahall Greenway Fayetteville, WV 25840 Phone: (304) 574-4465 x00332 Email: Izabella.B.Hubbard@wv.gov
Tomi Bergstrom, Western Basin & Project WET Statewide Coordinator 601 57th Street SE Charleston, WV 25304 Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43862 Email: Tomi.M.Bergstrom@wv.gov