WPIG describes the methods and procedures that Friends of the Cheat (FOC) use to implement watershed
The document was originally intended to help transition between project management staff at FOC for acid
drainage projects. However, the information and tools compiled may be adaptable for other types of watershed
projects throughout West Virginia.
Anyone managing a project, especially a construction project, will probably reinvent several wheels. FOC
prepared this document to save you the trouble of reinventing at least some of them. Whether you have
staff or dedicated volunteers, an hour or two carefully reading the WPIG could save you days, weeks,
or even months.
Readers are encouraged to consult current professionals and officials when deciding how to use this
information. This work is the product of many people that work diligently to implement watershed
projects in West Virginia. Major contributors included FOC staff, WVDEP-WIB personnel and others.
The appendicies provide more resources and example documents. Folders/files are too numerous or large to
include here; however, you may request a copy of the guide (while they last) with the additional resources.
Email your request to the NPS Coordinator. In the subject line: WPIG + appendicies. The body of the email
must include your contact information (Name, email, phone number and mailing address). WIB will mail one
printed guide plus a flash drive to the address provided.