Oil and Gas


Draft Standards of Performance for Existing Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities Rule

The public and key stakeholders are requested to review the draft version of the West Virginia state rule which is being developed to implement and adopt the federal emissions guidelines, Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review published by the U.S. EPA March 8, 2024 (89 Fed. Reg. 16820) as required in accordance with the federal implementation requirements found at 40CFR60, subpart Ba. Please see below the draft rule and supporting documentation.

New Natural Gas Well Flowback Notifications for NSPS OOOO/OOOOa/OOOOb

These notifications are required to be submitted on or after October 15, 2012 for all hydraulically fractured wells drilled after August 23, 2011 and on or before September 18, 2015 (OOOO); after September 18, 2015 and on or before December 6, 2022 (OOOOa); and after December 6, 2022 (OOOOb).