Air Monitoring Data


Air Quality data is collected and reviewed at the Division of Air Quality (DAQ)'s office in Charleston and at the Northern Panhandle Regional Office (NPRO) in Wheeling. EPA criteria pollutant data is analyzed, quality assured, and reported for approximately 15 sites across the state.

Air quality data collected at outdoor monitors across the United States, including in West Virginia, can be downloaded from the EPA's Outdoor Air Quality Data page.

Annual Reports

The West Virginia Air Quality Annual Update highlights the work of the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) by calendar year and provides data on the air quality monitoring network, attainment status with the various National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS); summary data of permitting actions, compliance and enforcement actions, and small business assistance activities; emissions trends in air toxics; and highlights of outreach events. These documents are intended to supplement the companion document, Introduction to West Virginia Air Quality and provides an overview of the DAQ, its history and responsibilities; an overview and history of the NAAQS; and provides a basic explanation of air quality, air quality regulation, and the mission of the DAQ.

Air quality annual reports can be found on the DAQ Publications page.

Air Pollution Data Sources


PM-25 Sampler  
PM-25 Sampler
8832 Data Logger  
8864 Data Logger