Quality Assurance Project Plans


The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) integrates all technical and quality aspects of a project, including planning, implementation, and assessment. The purpose of the QAPP is to document planning results for environmental data operations and to provide a project-specific “blueprint” for obtaining the type and quality of environmental data needed for a specific decision or use. The QAPP describes how QAQC procedures are applied to an environmental data operation to assure that the results obtained are of the type and quality needed and expected.

Getting Started

QAPP resources include USEPA's New QAPP guidance for citizen scientist (CS), Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative QAPPs, WIBs QAPP guidance for §319 projects and multiple QAPP resources from the RiverNetwork. Additionally, WVDEP's NPS Coordinator can provide examples of approved QAPPs upon request.

Another option for agencies or large NGO programs is the Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPrP). A QAPrP establises policies that define the type of data needed for program level environmental decisions, and describes the methods for collecting, analyzing and addressing data to support those decisions.

Delisting a Stream

Impaired streams can be removed from the 303(d) list if the data shows water quality standards have been achieved. However, additional steps are needed to ensure de-listing. Learn more...

Water Quality Monitoring

WVDEP’s Watershed Improvement Branch (WIB) supports water quality monitoring with §319 funds, but there are two important musts:

  1. An EPA approved quality assurance project plan (QAPP) is required.

  2. The data must be entered into the Water Quality Exchange (WQX).

EPA maintains multiple web-systems such as How’s My Waterway, which provide an easy to understand format for public consumption. These systems are connected to WQX and the Water Quality Portal (WQP), so populating these is critical to help the public better understand the problems and solutions related to nonpoint sources of pollution. Our in-house expert Martin Christ will work with the organization to help get the data in a format compatible with WQX.

Contact Us

NPS Coordinator

Timothy D. Craddock, NPS Coordinator
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
601 57th Street SE
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x43868
Email: Timothy.D.Craddock@wv.gov

Water Quality Monitoring

Martin Christ, Northern Basin Coordinator
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
2301 Pleasant Valley Rd
Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone: (304) 926-0499 x30205
Email: Martin.J.Christ@wv.gov