Event Details


Division of Water & Waste Management Virtual Public Hearing: LENNAR's application for coverage under West Virginia’s Stormwater Construction General Permit (No. WV0115924).

The WVDEP's Division of Water & Waste Management is holding a virtual public hearing on LENNAR’s application for coverage under West Virginia’s Stormwater Construction General Permit (No. WV0115924). LENNAR’s registration number is WVR112829. Pre-registration is required.

The WVDEP will provide information, answer questions, and accept official comments on the application.

The proposed activity includes mass grading of approximately 82.48 acres for the construction of 104 single-family homes, 76 townhomes, and 39 townhome villas. In addition, there will be the construction of underground utilities serving the property and stormwater management facilities. The total area of disturbance is approximately ±82.48 acres. The total impervious area created by the development of the site is approximately ±29.5 acres.


Starts: 04/21/2025 6:00 PM
Ends: 04/21/2025 8:00 PM


Virtual Hearing

Contact Information

Terry Fletcher


Registration link
Request draft application, fact sheet, and other related materials